[Title references this video.]
20 January 2024
大家好!Hello Friends!
I’m gonna be a little bold and straight up for a minute. Do you want to see power beyond all earthly comprehension? Serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I gained a testimony this week of the reality that God is in relentless pursuit of his children. We met with our friend Jing two weeks ago, and he was in awe of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then he stopped communicating with us, and we were worrying. On Tuesday another companionship in our district met him downtown and told him about the opposition to the church that he’d discovered. Jing said that interaction was directed by God. We later heard from the one member he knew that he met Jing on Saturday!
Our other friends are doing well! We had a few people come to church for the first time! One lady said she had actually been to church once near BYU Hawaii several years ago, and another guy said he had attended a hike with the ward a year and a half ago!
Everyone go read the Sacrament entry on the church’s “Topics and Questions”! I looked at this yesterday and I was impacted by the clarity with which this article explained the ordinance of the sacrament, what it means, and why it is important. The ideas of preparing for the sacrament especially left an impression on me. I don’t know if I’ve ever thought about what I should do to prepare for the sacrament, I’ve just showed up to church and been there. I’ve tried to focus my thoughts on the Savior, but I can see that good preparation will help that go even smoother.
Also, please pray for Wong Lei! He’s on date for baptism this Sunday, and his life has been CRAZY! We’re really hoping he can meet with us this week to prepare things in time for his baptism.
Stay warm everyone! Love you all!
Elder Baer 熊长老
Super good sunset!
The Zone Leaders helping us start our car on Sunday
Me trying to learn Chinese characters since trying to speak it isn’t discouraging enough ;P
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