[Title references this line from "King George and the Ducky."]
大家好!Hello Friends!
Great news! The cold ceased this week and we got back up to freezing point!
Greater news! God is doing a “marvelous work and a wonder!” Here are a few wonderful moments this week, when I marveled at the things that God was doing.
- Wong Lei met previously with missionaries and would always bring up some weird concern right before his baptism date. We have him on date for the end of January, and when we reviewed the baptismal questions, he didn’t have any problems! Plus, his 10-year-old son has been telling him that they should be going to church more. What a big miracle!
- Cancan has been keeping commitments! When we followed up with her on Friday about her prayers, she told us, “It was exactly like you said! I asked God for something, and he didn’t give it to me, but later he gave me something that was even better!” She also surprised us by reading several chapters in the Book of Mormon -- another big miracle!
- I went on an exchange with Elder Wells in an English area, and he managed to get the numbers of 5-6 interested people within 25 minutes! They were also all about 15 years old, which made me marvel as well lol.
Side notes: I had a cool realization in bridging English and Chinese writing. An online Chinese dictionary that I use has an entry about an influential Tang dynasty poet named Du Fu (杜甫) and includes some samples of his writing. In these samples, there was a very common pattern of 5 syllable phrases, or 7 syllable phrases. Then I later recited the Chinese translation of Joseph Smith’s first vision, and realized the syntax patterns were very similar:
我看见一道光柱 [I saw a beam of light]
正在我头上 [on my head]
比太阳的光还亮 [brighter than the sun's light]
缓缓降下来 [lower slowly]
直到落在我身上 [until it falls on me.]
光停在我身上时 [When the light stops on me]
我看见两位人物 [I saw two people]
Anyway ... I don’t know what you’ll do with that info, but I think it’s interesting.
Speaking of language, this week I’d invite you all to give three intentional compliments. I’m trying to focus on giving more compliments this week, since I feel like there’s often some good stuff I think about other people, but I’m not always that articulate about it. So I figure I’m going to rope you all into this as well. Words do matter. They have a “more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else” (Alma 31:5). As we use our words to see others the way that God sees them, and see the potential that God sees, we will feel a divine love that will bless us and our neighbors plentifully.
Stay warm everyone! Love you all!
Elder Baer 熊长老
[Bao & sausage. Dim sum literally translates to "touch the heart" -- the small portions are meant to "touch the heart" rather than fill the stomach]
Literally, I don’t have any pictures other than some pics we took at the zoo earlier today, so enjoy!
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