Sunday, February 9, 2025

Snake in the Eagles Shadow

[Title refers to this old Jackie Chan movie.]

3 February 2025

 大家好!Hello Friends!

新年快乐!恭喜发财!How has the Year of the Snake treated everyone? We woke up this morning to a nice -26°C/-15°F, so we definitely know more what it's like to be cold blooded. Hope everyone's temperatures are warmer, but let me know if you reach a new high score!

Some of our friends seemed really agitated in our meetings with them, which was strange and difficult. After reading Joseph Smith's account of his vision, Cancan erupted into saying she didn't care about the visions or what scriptures were true since all of the religions are similar anyway…, and then Wong Lei brought up a question about who picks the Prophet, which was really a way to express that he now thinks the Church is evil because we believe in living prophets. We did meet with a couple other friends that are doing alright!

Our Chinese New Year party was on Saturday! The turnout was really good this year and they had a live Kung Fu demonstration! We also saw a friend named Yan show up! We met him on Wednesday at while handing out fliers, and we got to talk to him for a few minutes after he asked why we don't drink coffee. He was thrilled to hear we had a New Year activity.

I had a kind of epiphany phrase come to mind this week during my personal study, and I'm sure it's come from some other podcast or talk, but I was thinking about the application of the atonement, and realized, “applying Christ's Atonement in our lives allows us to practice ‘At-one-ment’ with other people.”
Think about some ways you can be better “At one” with other people or with God this week! The unity made possible by Jesus Christ can truly bring lasting joy!

Stay warm everyone! Love you all!
Elder Baer 熊长老


New years set up

Rice balls, (made by Elder Tang)

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