Thursday, February 20, 2025

Story time!

17 February 2025

大家好!Hello Friends

Story time!

One of the most surprising lessons I've experienced happened on Wednesday evening. We were surprised to see someone unexpected on our phone screen, and it turns out that during the 10 minutes prior, I wasn’t texting the person I thought I was. I was surprised again when in the middle of testifying of God’s blessings in my life, the woman we were teaching blurted out, “That's great…but you don't look all that happy about it."

And that really got me thinking. A lot of times I approach people here saying that I am “sharing a message of joy and happiness” in their area, but there are some days when I really don’t feel it as much. But I think the gospel of Jesus Christ offers something else constant and deep:


It's real cheeky of me to write about that this week, I know. But after all is said and done, after the box of chocolates is mostly empty and your stomach ache has passed, the pure love of Christ is really one of the biggest blessings that we can receive! The Love of God can bring joy, and it is what will endure all hardships. I can't confidently say I've felt joy every day in this mission, but make no mistake, I really have felt God's love every day out here. Your Heavenly Father loves you so much! If you're not sure, then ask Him! He won't hesitate to show His love for you, I can promise you that.

A story by Elder Baer. You're welcome!

Other miracles from this week include:

  • I found my winter coat! I had lost it at the church a week prior, and then some members helped me find it!
  • Our friend prayed about her daughter obtaining a student permit, and she got a response back that said she was definitely eligible! She said she was so grateful for prayer.

Stay Warm Everyone! Love you all!!

Elder Baer 熊长老


First time having Chick-fil, Eh in Canada

Met a friend at the grocery store

Cool rainbow ring around the sun…perks of sub-arctic temperatures  
[technical term: sun dog (or parhelion)]

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