Sunday, February 9, 2025

"Tricky like that, Jesus"

[Title references this strange sermon from Hunt for the Wilderpeople.]

27 January, 2025

 大家好!Hello Friends!

There's always more than one way to look at a situation or an experience. Some ways are better than others. Here’s an example of a poor way that I’ve been viewing this week:

  • I was told by a friend that if our goal was to help them be baptized, then we are wasting our time.
  • I got chewed out for every mistake and character flaw I've had in the last six weeks.
  • I prayed and fasted for Wong Lei to be baptized, and in return received a sudden response that under no circumstance would he be baptized this month.
  • I completely botched an attempt to teach the restoration of the gospel to a new friend.
But there's always a better way to see things, which I'm working on doing:
  • Some lessons brought an opportunity to put faith in God’s ability to change people’s hearts. We saw a glimpse of this as our friend came to church on Sunday and then told us with a kind of dazed look, “I need to think about a lot of things; I no longer know what religions are true or not.”
  • I learned how my happiness really does depend on my focus, no matter what the circumstances are or what has been said.
  • Agency is key in God’s work, and we pray more to align our will with God’s instead of just the things we want.
  • I learned the importance of teaching simply, something that I can practice now that I understand it.

I think this is part of what our Prophet meant by his phrase “Think Celestial.” As we have a higher perspective on our lives, we will notice many beautiful things that we wouldn’t notice otherwise. We can have the perspective that enables us to “make those doors easier to get through” that may stump us in our path. If you have a chance, review the words of the Prophet, and find an issue that you could “Think Celestial” about.

Stay warm everyone! Love you all!
Elder Baer 熊长老


Found a cool conference center after taking the wrong train

LIGHT! (more evidence of God’s love)

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